Why was he born to those parents?

light ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally ready to talk about solving the riddle.( ̄▽ ̄)

Applying heart healing, I ask my clients, “Why were you born to those parents?”

And if necessary, they asked the soul the question, “If I had not been born to those parents, I would not have had to go through this.

There were two images that came up when I asked this question to my soul.

One is really the state I was in before I was born.
(Myself looking at the mother with a growing belly)

The other is images of past and past lives.

Of these two types of images, most of the participants were able to see images of their past and previous lives, and about 10% were able to see themselves before they were born.

He then asked his pre-born self why he was born to his parents.

What was said there was completely different from what had been said in books and other media.