Take a course in Reiki①

reiki ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

After a seminar with a famous spiritualist, I decided to take a spirituality course that was mentioned in the healer’s session.

However, I was not sure what to do about the Reiki courses, as many of them were at various levels, with long course times and high fees.

I don’t like to mix with many people, and I am an impatient type of person who wants to get a course done as quickly as possible, so I looked for a teacher who offers such a course.

When I first tried to take Reiki, the Internet was not as developed as it is today because there were no smart phones, and there were not many places in the Kansai region that advertised Reiki courses on their websites.

My teacher, whom I found by chance, was a teacher who taught Level 1 to Level 3 in half a day and also offered a course for an unbeatable fee of 40,000 yen!

I immediately contacted them via email, as they stated on their website that they also travel to the course location.

I thought about going to his place, but it was too far away, so I decided to have him come to my office to give a lecture.

A date and time were successfully set, and I asked him to come to my office on his day off from work to take a course in reiki.