‣心:Heart As it is and selfishness (6) In (5), I wrote that if you do not express your opinion, you are likely to become dependent. Even if you do not become dRead More... 2023.11.08 ‣心:Heart
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer Why I want to unravel the mysteries of the soul My motivation to unravel the mystery of karma, the soul secret of reincarnation, came from a very unyielding thought: "HRead More... 2023.05.19 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration Was it really myself who chose those parents? My heart healing clients are those who have been raised by parents who fall into the category of toxic parents.There areRead More... 2023.04.20 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration
‣心:Heart Self-axis and others’ axis (4) When I do healing, I often think, "People are so afraid of being hurt (or denied).Healing releases the fear, dislike, anRead More... 2023.03.29 ‣心:Heart
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship Children raised by inverted parents Many are firm and responsible.Many are also very patient, but many are not aware that they are holding back.Since childhRead More... 2023.03.24 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Parent-Child Reversal Parents.” Basically, they are selfish and self-indulgent.Many are mentally unstable emotionally.For some reason, I think of myselfRead More... 2023.03.20 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship Children raised by controlling parents In a way, they become very patient adults. They are also very good at playing the good girl.I am not good at expressing Read More... 2023.03.17 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Controlling Parents.” I think the most common type has always been the dominant type.The most obvious dominance type is overprotection.OverproRead More... 2023.03.15 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship A child raised by indifferent parents… What kind of adults do children raised by a type of toxic parent who is indifferent to their children become? They tend Read More... 2023.03.14 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Indifferent Parents.” I suspect that this indifferent type is common among wealthy families.The characteristic of this indifferent type of parRead More... 2023.03.13 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship