‣お金:Money It takes stamina to make money. As I wrote the other day, making money requires motivation and continuity.Is it just that good? I would say that, in facRead More... 2023.12.06 ‣お金:Money
‣お金:Money Why you want to make money but can’t act on it. Many of us have wished for more money even though we are not satisfied with our current lifestyle.Certainly, there are mRead More... 2023.12.04 ‣お金:Money
‣読書本:Reading book The magazine “How to Work and Live in the Future” released before Corona, which shows how Japan is reforming its workforce. Vol. 2 of NewsPicks Brand Magazine produced by NewsPicks Brand DesignThe theme is "How to work and live in the futureThiRead More... 2023.09.15 ‣読書本:Reading book
‣心:Heart Inner Heart Healing (2) Healing the Heart."It is easy to say in words, but in reality it is hard work.The wounds that the heart shows us are flyRead More... 2023.01.31 ‣心:Heart‣インナーハートヒーリング:Inner Heart Healing