
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (12): Can karma be dissolved?

What I realized as I worked through the chain of dissolving karma is that "karma is never dissolved." Karma is never disRead More...

Mysterious events of power stone

Here's a story about a customer who came in a while ago.One day, she had a bad day at work, and when she went to the batRead More...

The habit is to assume ⁈

Are there words that you say unconsciously when there is nothing to say?The person's habit of speaking represents past fRead More...

How to face yourself (3)

The third way to face yourself is with money.In the spiritual world, money and love are inseparable.This will be true foRead More...
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Thoughts & Emotions: Turquoise

Turquoise, shining in sky blue, is said to protect you on your journey, and that journey is said to be your life's journRead More...
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Thoughts and Emotions: Chrysocolla

Many people call lapis lazuli the earth stone, and chrysocolla round balls have a beautiful contrast of green and blue, Read More...

Inner Heart Healing (10)

They say that the mind and body are connected, and I often find that to be exactly true.When inner heart healing is perfRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Children raised by inverted parents

Many are firm and responsible.Many are also very patient, but many are not aware that they are holding back.Since childhRead More...