‣魂:Soul Origin of the Soul I call the place where the soul is born "the origin of the soul.The origin of such a soul varies from person to person.ARead More... 2024.03.25 ‣魂:Soul
‣魂:Soul What we were able to figure out by resolving karma. As we unraveled the karmic chain of various clients, there were so many different lives reflected in them.What I was ablRead More... 2024.03.18 ‣魂:Soul
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading Thoughts & Emotions: Sapphire Sapphire is a gemstone? You may think so, but sapphire, which is not as transparent as gemstones, is sold as a power stoRead More... 2023.08.22 ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading‣パワーストーン:gemstone