‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer I also do crystal readings. I was preparing to analyze the data to write a story about reincarnation, but I have other things I need to do, so I thiRead More... 2023.06.05 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading How to do a crystal reading (2) When I asked Dowsing, "What is the best ball size to appraise?" I ask…After questioning, the L-rod spontaneously and repRead More... 2022.10.17 ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer‣未分類:Uncategorized
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading How to do a crystal reading ① After sorting out the strongest effects of each power stone, how could we use power stones and dowsing to create a form Read More... 2022.10.15 ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer Which power stone has the strongest effect? There are so many different types of power stones that there are stars in the sky.Considering the possibility of making Read More... 2022.10.14 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer‣パワーストーン:gemstone