‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money(4) Originally, Mr. A is not incapable of managing money.Because I have been handling petty cash at work for many years, I aRead More... 2023.10.11 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣その他:Other Life is trial & error There is still a bit of tidying up to do, but at least 80% of the redecorating is done!(*'▽')I'm the kind of woman who aRead More... 2023.09.12 ‣その他:Other
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration The Mystery of Karma (1) I'm talking about what is karma, what is causality before the mystery of karma….The explanation of "causality" regardingRead More... 2023.05.18 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration
‣心:Heart Inner Heart Healing (9) The past torments me in the present."I don't think there is anyone in this world who hasn't recalled a bad event that haRead More... 2023.03.03 ‣心:Heart‣インナーハートヒーリング:Inner Heart Healing