‣心:Heart To those who are afraid of people (2) To those who are afraid of people, I wrote in (1), why is it not good to be afraid of people and stay back?That is becauRead More... 2023.11.14 ‣心:Heart‣人間関係:Human relations
‣心:Heart To those who are afraid of people, (1) Have you ever been afraid of people?As long as we live as human beings, most of us believe deep down that people are scaRead More... 2023.11.10 ‣心:Heart‣人間関係:Human relations
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship A child raised by indifferent parents… What kind of adults do children raised by a type of toxic parent who is indifferent to their children become? They tend Read More... 2023.03.14 ‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship
‣人間関係:Human relations Relationships are what you attract. The term "mirror law" became popular in Japan about 15 years ago.The reality of our lives is a mirror of our hearts."A sRead More... 2023.03.08 ‣人間関係:Human relations
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer Aura-Soma courses (2) Why not just get along?"The course is 7 days long, but it is not every day, but basically once a week or so.The basis ofRead More... 2022.09.14 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer‣オーラソーマ:Aura-soma