

Memory of the Soul: Alice’s Episode (2)

You have to love yourself." Alice was surprised to hear that, but as if remembering something, she said, "Maybe you're rRead More...

Soul Memory: Alice’s Episodes (2)

When Alice says she doesn't belong here, I ask her, "But you chose this place, didn't you?" I asked her, "But Alice hersRead More...

Soul Memory: Alice’s Episode (2)

We were thrown out into the grand universe. I ask Alice, "What in the world is this all about?" I ask Alice. Alice says Read More...

Soul Memory: Alice’s Episode (2)

We went back into the soul owner and soul memory to find out why we were lost. The first scene we saw from there was AliRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (8): Why you don’t want to be born

In the last article about not being able to choose where to reincarnate, why did the souls who were knocked down to be rRead More...

To those who are afraid of people, (1)

Have you ever been afraid of people? As long as we live as human beings, most of us believe deep down that people are scRead More...

The habit is to assume ⁈

Are there words that you say unconsciously when there is nothing to say? The person's habit of speaking represents past Read More...

As it is and selfishness (3)

You have to have an opinion." If you are told, "Speak up," and you are unable to say anything, people will interpret thiRead More...

Face yourself.

I think there are a surprisingly large number of people who think that facing oneself is a scary thing. But why is it soRead More...

Face yourself and face the money (9)

So far I have written about Mr. A's transformation from throwing money away to taking care of himself. In writing, it apRead More...