‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading Emotion: Moonstone Moonstone is a stone that everyone has seen at least once.Moonstone, as its name suggests, represents the moon and has bRead More... 2023.07.05 ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading‣パワーストーン:gemstone
‣感情:emotion A broken and resigned heart The mind (emotions) is inherently angry when it is hurt.But a heart that has been hurt too much will refuse to even prodRead More... 2023.01.11 ‣感情:emotion
‣感情:emotion The loneliness of loneliness. What exactly is it that deep wounds produce?The most obvious is loneliness and isolation, isn't it?Surprisingly few peopRead More... 2023.01.06 ‣感情:emotion