

Soul Memory : Alice’s Episode(1)

The voice was the voice of the owner of Alice's memories, the soul itself."The number of mirrors is the number of times Read More...

What is the need to face oneself?

Why should I face myself?" I think many people wonder that.My interpretation of why you should face yourself is as folloRead More...

I read books to avoid becoming a healer for approval.

By nature, spirituality, fortune-telling, counseling, and other work is supposed to save and heal people's hearts.HoweveRead More...
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Emotion: Kunzite

Kunzite, which looks like a translucent candy ball with pink or slightly yellowish tints, is a slightly more expensive pRead More...

Self-axis and others’ axis (2)

What will people think of me?" becomes the basic axis of the foundation, various actions will be in line with other peopRead More...

What does noticing change?

As the saying goes, "To change others, start with yourself." By becoming aware, you will change yourself.When people becRead More...

It is “noticing” that releases assumptions.

Do I have to undergo healing to eliminate my beliefs? You may think that you do, but that is not true.Assumptions are fiRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (5)

When wearing a stuffed animal, the range of visibility is naturally limited.You can think of this as the principle of asRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (4)

The time it takes for the mind to be released and healed is approximately two weeks.I have done over 5,000 inner heart hRead More...

Where do assumptions come from?

There are two types of assumptions, and I believe that the main causes are one's own misunderstandings and imprinting frRead More...