
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

The Mystery of Karma and its Dissolution (1)

First of all, what is karma? In Buddhism, it is said to be a fate that accumulates as a result of one's actions.You may Read More...

Self-axis and others’ axis (2)

What will people think of me?" becomes the basic axis of the foundation, various actions will be in line with other peopRead More...

How does your inner child affect your present self?

The inner child is said to reside between the manifest and subconscious mind.The subconscious mind becomes the entity, tRead More...

It is “noticing” that releases assumptions.

Do I have to undergo healing to eliminate my beliefs? You may think that you do, but that is not true.Assumptions are fiRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (8)

As I wrote in (5), removing assumptions through inner heart healing will broaden your perspective.What happens when you Read More...

Door to the Heart 3

While some people blame themselves for everything, others blame others for everything.People who blame others do not belRead More...

The principle of self-denial.

People who have been denied self by their parents in various ways since childhood are skeptical about love.This is becauRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (5)

When wearing a stuffed animal, the range of visibility is naturally limited.You can think of this as the principle of asRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (4)

The time it takes for the mind to be released and healed is approximately two weeks.I have done over 5,000 inner heart hRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (3)

As I healed my heart, I realized that the process was like peeling the thin skin off an onion.This is because in order tRead More...