We tend to think that our own sense of normality or common sense is applicable to everything, but in fact, it differs depending on the place and environment.
But surprisingly, there are many people who are unaware of this fact, and there are those who have a hard time because their own common sense and common sense do not prevail.
Here is an example.
Mr. A used to work for a large company (Company R), but when the company merged with another, he took early retirement and moved to a smaller company (Company O) that dealt with similar products.
Company O welcomed Mr. A, who had transferred from Company R, as he would be an immediate asset to the company.
After three months, however, the clouds began to lift.
Mr. A tries to complete one job after another with the personal connections he developed during his time at Company R.
And as we worked, from the perspective of Mr. A, who had been at Company R, Company O’s methods seemed outdated.
So Mr. A makes one suggestion after another to his boss to improve the system and distribution like Company R.
However, from the perspective of Company O’s upper management, they understand what Mr. A is saying, but it will take a considerable amount of time, effort, and money to improve the situation.
Also, if there is no problem with the way we have been doing things, why should we change it for Mr. A? I also wondered if it was necessary to change it for Mr. A if there was no problem with the way we were doing it.
Mr. A’s supervisor, who was caught in the middle, understood what Mr. A was saying but was like ・・・・・, and continued to make tea over Mr. A’s suggestions.
In the meantime, Mr. A continues to propose improvements to the company.
From Mr. A’s point of view, he felt confident that he could take the job, but he felt that he could not take the job because it would be a problem for the customer if he did not improve.
Over time, a rift develops between Mr. A and Company O.
It cannot work, because both parties are pitting their common sense against each other.
Eventually, Mr. A became mentally unstable and had to resign.
The issue this time is twofold.
Mr. A thought that his experience was the norm (common sense).
Company O had a strong sense of pride in what they had done.
I understand both sides of the argument, but I think what was missing was communication and flexibility.
In Japan, there is a saying that “places change, products change.
When the land changes, the things we usually take for granted become different.” This is what it means.
I believe this is not only about land, but also about people’s living environment.
They fail to realize that what is normal for them (themselves) is not normal for the people around them, and they try to push their (themselves) egos, causing them to stumble and fail in their relationships.
Unfortunately, no one tells us that the norm is not the norm.
Even if you notice it in business books, it is rare for people to realize that their own norm is not right and change it.
Because so stubbornly and strongly do assumptions dominate the human mind.