The term “mirror law” became popular in Japan about 15 years ago.
The reality of our lives is a mirror of our hearts.”
A simple explanation is that “if you look around you, you can see your current situation and the state you are in right now.
However, I think that unexpectedly, this↑ is something that you don’t know by yourself.
I don’t like it, I don’t want it, but I don’t know why it bothers me.
I am always bothered by the same thing, even though I am around different people and in different places.
People around me say it is not a big deal, but I am very angry.
and so on are often attracted by their own latent feelings toward their parents.
As an example, here is a client story that actually happened.
In the workplace where this person works, he or she is always harshly criticized and tormented by the people he or she works with.
It is also the same thing that happens two or three times each time I change jobs.
But he had always wondered why this was so.
Then one day, he came to our house for an inner heart healing to improve his tormented condition at work.
The scene that emerged was me being mean to my grandmother and father.
He had been bullied by his grandmother (paternal side) and father for many years, ever since he was a child, and they were mean to him.
But as an adult, he had forgotten all about that.
So why, now that I’m an adult, do I attract the same scenes in reality that I did as a child? I think it is because he was angry all the time.
The feelings that hurt me as a child became anger and remained in my subconscious for a long time.
And his subconscious had long wanted to take revenge against his grandmother and father by winning over his tormentors.
So wherever I went, it resulted in meeting someone like my dad and grandma (who were mean to me).
This is the situation or condition that you attract.
If you often have thoughts around you at the moment that you don’t like, hurt, piss you off, are weirdly bothered by, or have had similar thoughts before, you may want to think back to your past (when you were a child).
I am sure it is safe to assume that someone has a subconscious memory of having done something similar to you.
Then talk to yourself.
He said, “Forget it. Everything is fine, so let’s go together to a different place.”
In case you are wondering, after the healing, the above mentioned man is working well where he has a good workplace and no relationship problems.