After my first debut as a healer, I was able to go out to Supikon continuously as it was.
The main reason for this was that I wanted to sell the power stones I purchased, rather than to increase my own healing customers( ̄▽ ̄)
So when I went out the very first time, it was to assess my healing abilities, but after that, I exhibited like a session place to find the right healing for me.
I was really doing a lot of different sessions at events until I was able to do crystal readings.
It started with sessions performed with power stone oracle cards, but then I also exhibited with Aura Soma in addition to cards.
Around the time I began to appear at events like this, Mr. Ehara’s and Ms. Miwa’s TV programs began to appear in prime time, and as a result, a spiritual boom was born.
And as a corollary, the number of exhibitors and visitors increased each time we exhibited, and the scale of the event grew larger and larger.
Perhaps the time was right, perhaps my timing was right, but right around that time I was ready to open my own healing salon.