‣魂:Soul It’s all up to you. Clients who have connected with their soul's origin are asked to have a conversation with their own soul.But this converRead More... 2024.03.27 ‣魂:Soul
‣魂:Soul Origin of the Soul I call the place where the soul is born "the origin of the soul.The origin of such a soul varies from person to person.ARead More... 2024.03.25 ‣魂:Soul
‣その他:Other From the Mystery of the Heart to the Mystery of the Soul I am the type of person that if there is a mystery, I want to solve it.It is true that I took action to solve the mysterRead More... 2024.03.22 ‣その他:Other
‣その他:Other Is the Universe Oneness? What I have learned from dissolving the karma of various clients is that there are diverse souls and diverse worlds.EvenRead More... 2024.03.20 ‣その他:Other
‣魂:Soul What we were able to figure out by resolving karma. As we unraveled the karmic chain of various clients, there were so many different lives reflected in them.What I was ablRead More... 2024.03.18 ‣魂:Soul
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration The Mystery of Karma (13): What does the soul reincarnate for? I read a spiritual book a long time ago that asked the question, "What does the soul reincarnate for?" I remember that tRead More... 2024.03.15 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration‣魂:Soul
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration Mystery of Karma (12): Can karma be dissolved? What I realized as I worked through the chain of dissolving karma is that "karma is never dissolved." Karma is never disRead More... 2024.03.13 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration‣魂:Soul
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration The Mystery of Karma (11): What will change if I get rid of karma? Many psychics, fortune tellers, and other people with some kind of vision, not only in Japan but around the world, oftenRead More... 2024.03.11 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration‣魂:Soul
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration Mystery of Karma (10): After Releasing Karma The story I wrote last time about the release of the soul's karma was not done by my own imagination alone, but with theRead More... 2024.03.08 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration‣魂:Soul
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration Mystery of Karma (9): Why I don’t want to be born (2) A soul that refused to be reborn. The events of past lives shown to me by such a soul…The time is the Edo period in JapaRead More... 2024.03.06 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration‣魂:Soul