
Inner Heart Healing (6)

It takes about two weeks for the mind to be released and healed.Do you have anything to do in the meantime?" but there iRead More...
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

If that’s what you think, so be it.

I am also in the spiritual business, so I am sometimes told by clients that they are left to make judgments and decisionRead More...

Reasons to go fortune-telling and spirituality.

It is no fun doing anything if you are always ignoring your own mind because of the surroundings.Instead, only complaintRead More...

Love is what you make it.

Unfortunately, as adults, we have to make our own love.I'll love myself."It is easy to say in words, but I believe that Read More...

The natural enemy of the self-denying person is.

People with strong self-denial tend to think that whatever happens is their fault.When the opposite type of person approRead More...

The principle of self-denial.

People who have been denied self by their parents in various ways since childhood are skeptical about love.This is becauRead More...

Love in your heart.

The heart always wants love.The capacity of this love of the heart actually varies from person to person in a thousand wRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (5)

When wearing a stuffed animal, the range of visibility is naturally limited.You can think of this as the principle of asRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (4)

The time it takes for the mind to be released and healed is approximately two weeks.I have done over 5,000 inner heart hRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (3)

As I healed my heart, I realized that the process was like peeling the thin skin off an onion.This is because in order tRead More...