The story I wrote last time about the release of the soul’s karma was not done by my own imagination alone, but with the client, who is the owner of the soul.
I go to help the soul by giving advice to the client from time to time as I hear from the client the images (visual images) that the soul is seeing.
Therefore, the release of the soul’s karma is done by the client himself.
Incidentally, there are some psychics who can release karma, but I myself cannot do it because I am not able to see.
Besides, this is my opinion, but I believe that if you can release karma by yourself, it is best to do it by yourself, because the images that the client sees by himself/herself are the most accurate, rather than a psychic or other person who can see and release karma.
Above all, karma is not something that says, “I released one karma, and that’s it. It is not the case that “I have released one karma.
If there is even one karma, there must be a cause that created the karma before the karma exists.
I believe that the chain of karma is created as a result of the events that occurred during the reincarnation of the soul, which became karma, and repeated reincarnations without being resolved.
Therefore, I believe that once one soul karma is released, it is better for the client’s current and next life to release all the causes of the karma.
And has the client changed since the last time you released his soul karma?
We met again about a month after the release of karma, and the client said, “I don’t take it out on people anymore.” She said that she is no longer making fun of people.
However, I would like to mention one thing so that there is no misunderstanding: the karma that we released last time had such strong feelings (trauma) about the past that the client did not want to be reborn. But, releasing karma does not necessarily mean that everything will change in the mind.
In fact, there are many people whose minds do not change at all even though they have released their karma.
I would like to write about the reason for this in the next article.