As a result of her savings becoming more enjoyable, she gradually became more conscious of saving money, and began to think about what she was wasting the most money on. As a result, she started to think about what she was wasting the most money on.
Then I came up with the idea of hospital bills.
Working only one day a week with almost no long vacations, Mr. A’s body had been tired and at its limits for some time, and he had to be taken care of at the hospital more often than not.
Then she realized, “If I’m healthy, I don’t have to waste money.” Mr. A realized that “if you are healthy, you don’t have to waste money,” and began to improve his diet and physical condition in order to make his body healthier.
However, since it was difficult to prepare meals by myself, I started to use retorts from supermarkets and convenience stores, etc., while aiming for a healthy body and trying to increase my body’s metabolism by sweating in the sauna.
As a result, his body is in much better condition, and he is spending a little less money because he is going to the hospital less often.