‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship


Anger at unrequited love

In my healing work, I have many clients who have mental illnesses.In this context, I feel that those who have depressionRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Children raised by inverted parents

Many are firm and responsible.Many are also very patient, but many are not aware that they are holding back.Since childhRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Parent-Child Reversal Parents.”

Basically, they are selfish and self-indulgent.Many are mentally unstable emotionally.For some reason, I think of myselfRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Children raised by controlling parents

In a way, they become very patient adults. They are also very good at playing the good girl.I am not good at expressing Read More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Controlling Parents.”

I think the most common type has always been the dominant type.The most obvious dominance type is overprotection.OverproRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

A child raised by indifferent parents…

What kind of adults do children raised by a type of toxic parent who is indifferent to their children become? They tend Read More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Toxic Parents, “Characteristics of Indifferent Parents.”

I suspect that this indifferent type is common among wealthy families.The characteristic of this indifferent type of parRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

The type of toxic parent I feel

There are many types of toxic parents.Nowadays, there are many books and various interpretations and ideas about toxic pRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

Toxic parents are also toxic parents

Not long ago, the term "toxic parents" became popular in Japan.I believe that a high percentage of children raised by toRead More...

The principle of self-denial.

People who have been denied self by their parents in various ways since childhood are skeptical about love.This is becauRead More...