‣お金:Money It takes stamina to make money. As I wrote the other day, making money requires motivation and continuity. Is it just that good? I would say that, in faRead More... 2023.12.06 ‣お金:Money
‣お金:Money Are you happy when you have money? The word is like an eternal theme. It is up to the person to decide if he or she is happy with the money. However, I thiRead More... 2023.12.05 ‣お金:Money
‣お金:Money Why you want to make money but can’t act on it. Many of us have wished for more money even though we are not satisfied with our current lifestyle. Certainly, there are Read More... 2023.12.04 ‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money (9) So far I have written about Mr. A's transformation from throwing money away to taking care of himself. In writing, it apRead More... 2023.10.18 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money (8) As a result of her savings becoming more enjoyable, she gradually became more conscious of saving money, and began to thRead More... 2023.10.17 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money (7) Mr. A lives in a room with a wide entrance and almost no storage space in the room, and he has been storing his clothes Read More... 2023.10.16 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money (6) When Ms. A started managing her living expenses by bagging, she thought again about what she was spending and how much mRead More... 2023.10.13 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money(5) The money management method I suggested to Mr. A was the bagged management method. This is a method of managing monthly Read More... 2023.10.12 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money(4) Originally, Mr. A is not incapable of managing money. Because I have been handling petty cash at work for many years, I Read More... 2023.10.11 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money
‣心:Heart Face yourself and face the money (3) When I talked to Mr. A about stopping the bills, I also told him that he should get a good breakdown of his cell phone bRead More... 2023.10.10 ‣心:Heart‣お金:Money