After finishing the Alice episode (1)

Objective. ‣魂:Soul

The karma of Alice’s lost life memory was thus released.

After the release, I asked the soul owner, “How many times did you feel like repeating this lost life?” I asked him, and he answered, “About 16 times.

Sixteen times may seem like a short time, but if you combine the life lived as a human being and the cycle from death to rebirth, each cycle being 100 years, Alice’s soul has been wandering around in circles for 1,600 years, unable to escape from the same issue.

In this way, if there is an event in one’s life that is lost and one dies without being able to resolve it, the purpose of the soul’s reincarnation may change, and it may be difficult to return to the path one was on.

And as this story shows, not all souls are reborn with a clear purpose.

Sometimes there are those who say that when souls are reborn, they are reborn with a purpose, but there are also souls who are reborn with ambiguous thoughts, struggling to escape their current situation.

When I write like that, you may wonder if souls have feelings like human beings. I believe that there is at least a memory of having feelings in the soul.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to create a purpose for the soul.

And as this episode of Alice’s story shows, just as human beings have beliefs, the soul also has beliefs.

And from this belief, a purpose is created for the next reincarnation, and the soul repeats reincarnation.

I understood that this time, so after releasing the memory of Alice’s lost soul, I wanted to know why she was lost. I wanted to know the cause.

Things are always cause and effect.

I believe that is also true for the soul.

So I decided to go with the owner of Alice’s soul to search for the memory of the cause of her being lost.