Kickstart to Healer (4)

占い ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

Although I had done a lot of research on natural stones and power stones, I am not the type of person who has that much knowledge or ideas.

I thought, “What can I do to add value…?” I thought, “What can I do to add value…” At first, I wondered if I could create something by combining fortune-telling and power stones.

So from there, the next step was to start researching divination.

Astrology, Four Pillars, O-ring, Dowsing, Purple Dipper, Tarot….

There are many different kinds of fortune telling.

Although not fortune-telling, I was also investigating the world of chi (energy), which is invisible to the naked eye.

I’ve bought books and read them, and I’ve actually had my fortune told, but none of it has really clicked…(;’∀’)


I happened to go to a psychic fortune teller around that time and asked him, “I’d like to open a stonemason shop. He was mistaken for a tombstone maker, and when I corrected him and said “natural stone maker,” he didn’t seem to understand what I meant, and said, “I wonder…” Finally, he bragged about his great psychic abilities.(;・∀・)

However, since then there has been an unprecedented power stone boom in Japan, I believe that psychic abilities without knowledge are not reliable.


Now that I think about it, I can’t “remember” because I don’t like to study in the first place.(‘ω’)

I was not at all enthusiastic about getting into divination because, like having a school, you have to study and learn after all.

It was then that I came across a book that changed my destiny in a large bookstore.